Cosmetic Dentistry Options for Tooth Color

Posted on: July 26, 2019

cosmetic dentistry Lindsay, CA

Cosmetic dentistry can help fix a lot of issues with your teeth, including discoloration. If you are not happy with the shade of your teeth, there are options available. You can choose from a variety of techniques to make sure your teeth are the color you want them to be.

How cosmetic dentistry can help discolored teeth

Several things can cause teeth stains. For starters, some foods and beverages just have naturally dark pigmentation. Some medications can also stain people’s teeth. There is also trauma to the teeth and normal aging. Even genetics has its role when it comes to the shade of a person’s teeth.

Dentists can provide a variety of dental options for improving the appearance of someone’s smile. It all depends on what caused the stains, how extensive the discoloration is and how new the unwanted shading is.

Teeth whitening options

Whitening toothpaste

One cosmetic dentistry option to try when someone wants to whiten teeth is pretty standard. The dentist can recommend a new whitening toothpaste. Most kinds of toothpaste already have abrasive ingredients intended to help get rid of stains. Yet, these dentist-recommended types of toothpaste will also contain a polishing agent or a special chemical. These make them more powerful. Using the product regularly has the potential to lighten the teeth shade.

Whitening strips

Whitening strips can be placed over the teeth once or twice a day for two weeks. These are peroxide-based teeth bleaching products and can improve the way a smile looks when it comes to mild tooth stains. These dental products can be bought over the counter as either strips or a gel that is applied to a toothbrush.

At-home bleaching trays

Bleaching trays used at home help with mild to moderate discoloration that is either old or new. It involves a plastic tray filled with bleaching paste or gel with a peroxide base. The tray will hold the paste or gel up against the teeth for a specific amount of time each day. Though this dental product can be helpful, it is not as effective as a professional treatment. Dentists can provide a custom at-home tray that will work more effectively. These are designed for specific mouths, so the gel cannot leak onto the gums.

In-office bleaching trays

A common treatment involves a bleaching solution that is measurably stronger than what can be purchased for use at home. Dentists can use light, heat or a combination of both to speed up this dental procedure. It will intensify the whitening procedure. This can happen over several office visits.

Dental veneers

Sometimes teeth are too stained for a normal cosmetic dentistry procedure like whitening strips. If traditional methods of whitening are ineffective, a dentist may recommend new dental veneers. These wafer-thin coverings of porcelain or resin are bonded to the surface of the teeth. This can provide a natural-looking smile — minus the stains.

Cosmetic dentistry for tooth color might be worth considering

Tired of having discolored teeth that make you wince when you look in the mirror? You may want to try one of the cosmetic dentistry procedures listed above. They can help whiten your teeth by several shades and provide a new, bright smile just for you.

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